Monday, March 5, 2018

Word Press Site Customization

We are getting training on WordPress Site Customization at Dining Park Baneshwor. It is organized by Department of Information Technology, Government of Nepal. This will continue till 2074-11-23.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

MPA 2nd Year Syllabus

Curricular Structure of MPA offered by Tribhuvan University for Annual System

(N.B. This is useful for Private Students only as MPA has gone to semester system for regular students.)

The Curriculum for MPA degree comprises of four Separate and distinct course components as follow:

1.       Core Courses: Core Courses integrate all functional areas and provide the students with an appreciation of the diversity and interrelationship of Fundamentals of Public Administration, Development Management, Public Policy, Public Finance, Human Resource Management and Administrative System in Nepal.

2.       Analytical and Professional Core Courses: Analytical Courses are designed to enable the students to develop the skill of identifying and analyzing the problems. It includes subjects- Research Methods in Public Administration, Global Governance, Local Self-Governance, Organizational Behaviour, Public Enterprise Management and Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management.

3.       Specialization Courses: Five specialization areas Such as Development Management, Human Resource Development, Public Policy, Local Governance and Development and Civil Society Governance have been offered to students to enable them to develop their expertise in the respective functional area. Students has to select any one of them.

4.       Thesis Writing: Thesis writing is an optional subject. While opting the specialization areas (elective courses), students are required to take either two courses of 100 marks each or thesis writing of 100 marks with any one course of 100 marks each. Students opting thesis are encouraged to write their thesis within the selected specialization areas.

MPA 2nd year Courses

Subject Code
Subject Name
Full Marks
Pass Marks
Nature of Course
Research Methods in Public Administration II
Analytical and Professional Core
Global Governance
Analytical and Professional Core
PA 630
Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management
Analytical and Professional Core
PA 640
Public Finance
PA 650
Administrative System in Nepal
PA 660
Public Enterprises Management
Analytical and Professional Core
Specialization from Development Management Area (DM)
Planning and Project Manangement
Study on Human Development

M.P.A. 2nd Year Exam Schedule-2072
Time:- 11am to 3pm
Sub. Codes
SMS Codes
Research Methods in Public Administration II
Global Governance
Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management
PA 630
Public Finance
PA 640
Administrative System in Nepal
PA 650
Public Enterprises Management
PA 660
Planning and Project Manangement

Study on Human Development
Sms codes for Field Work contains W at last in their Subject Sms Codes.

Syllabus of MPA Second Year

1. PA. 610 Research Methods in Public Administration II
 (Analytical and Professional Core 40/16)
(Field Work should be done of 10/4)
1. Introduction
1.1 Nature of social and behavioural science
1.2 Sources of knowledge
1.3 Epistemological models: Positivism, Constructionism and Objectivism
1.4 Social Research: Concept, Significance and Process
1.5 Types of Social Research
1.6 Approaches to Social Research
1.7 Ethics and value judgment in Social Research
1.8 Research Methods in Public Administration: An Overview
2. Literature Review
2.1 Concept and Significance
2.2 Sources of Literatures
2.3 Methods and process of reviewing literatures
3. Fundamental Concepts of Research
3.1 Research Problem
3.2 Variables and their Relationship
3.3 Social Research Hypothesis
3.4 Data: Primary and Secondary
3.5 Measurement and Sealing
3.6 Test of Reliability and Validity
4. Research Design and Proposal Writing
4.1 Research Design: Meaning, Purpose and Quality
4.2 Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Research Design
4.3 Sampling Design
4.4 Practice of writing a Research Proposal
5. Data Collection Methods
5.1 Questionnaire: Mail Questionnaire vs. Interview Schedule
5.2 Interview: Structured and Instructured; focused group’ discussion
5.3 Observation: Participants and Non-participants
5.4 Participatory Approaches: RRA and PRA.
5.5 Triangulation: Methods and Significance
6. Data Analysis and Report Writing
6.1 Data Processing: Editing, Coding and Tabulation; Presentation, Interpretation      
         and generalization of Data.
6.2 Report Writing: Reference Citation, Mechanical Format of Report, Qualities of
                        a good Research Report.
____The End____
2. PA. 620 Global Governance (Analytical and Professional Core 50/20)

1. Understanding Global Governance
1.1 Concept of Global Governance
1.2 Theoritical  Foundations of Global Governance: Liberalism, Realism,  
                       Constructivism, Marxist and Neo-Marxist Theory, Dependency and World
                        System Theory
2. Evolution of Global Governance
2.1 Foundations of Global Governance: The state system and its weaknesses,
                       Governance innovations in the Nineteenth century, Multilateralism in the  
                         twentieth century and League of Nations.
2.2 The United Nations: Foundations, Major Organs
2.3 Its achievements and challenges
2.4 Its restructuring and challenges in 21st Century
2.5 Relation with Regional Organizations
2.6 The role of State in Global Governance
3. The Need for Global Governance
3.1 Search for Peace and Security
3.2 Promoting Human Development and Economic Well-Being
3.3 Protecting Human Rights
3.4 Promoting the Environment
4. The Role of Global Institutions: The World Bank, IMF, WTO, ADB
5. South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
5.1 The roots and dynamism of regional governance
5.2 SAARC: Purpose and Principles
5.3 Organs of SAARC
5.4 Its achievements and challenges
6. Trends and Challenges of Global Governance:
6.1 New Issues: controlling Crime and Diseases, the interment
6.2 Emerging trend and Challenges: Proliferating Actors, Non-state Actors: NGOs,
                       Networks and Social Movements, International Terrorism, and Religious
6.3 Challenges of the future: Legitimacy, Accountability, and Effectiveness
____The End____
3. PA.630 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs Management
(Analytical and Professional Core 50/20)

1. Public Affairs Management
1.1 Conceptual background of Public Affairs Management
1.2 New Public Management
1.3 Recent Management Practices: The whole of Government, New Public
       Service and others
2. Concepts in Strategic Management
2.1 Meaning
2.2 Significance
2.3 Process of formulating Strategic Management
2.4 Implementation
3. Performance Management
3.1 Concept and theories of Performance Management
3.2 Work efficiency and performance related pay
4. Ethics Management
4.1 Concept of Ethics Management
4.2 Ethics in Administration
4.3 Ethical Practices
5. Marketing of Public Services
5.1 Role and Functions of the Government
5.2 Public Services and Delivery Systems
6. Contract Management
7. Contemporary Management
7.1 Civic engagement in Management
7.2 Responsive Government
7.3 Knowledge Management in Public Sector
7.4 Networking Management in Public Sector
7.5 Diversity Management
7.6 Accountability and Public Sector
____The End____

4. PA. 640 Public Finance (Core 50/20)

1. Introduction to Public Finance
1.1 Meaning, Nature and Significance of Public Finance
1.2 Evolution and Scope of Public Finance
1.3 Functions and Roles of Fiscal Policy: Allocation; Distribution; Stabilization
2. Governmental Revenue
2.1 Concept and Structure of Governmental Revenue
2.2 Concept and Features of Tax
2.3 Principles of Taxation (Canons of Taxation; Benefits-received and Ability-to-
2.4 Characteristics of and Effective Tax System
2.5 Taxation and Economic Development
3. Public Expenditure
3.1 Concept and Structure of Public Expenditure
3.2 Theories and Principles of Public Expenditure
3.3 Growth in Public Expenditure
3.4 Public Expenditure and Economic Development
4. Public Debt
4.1 Concept and Need of Public Debt
4.2 Sources and Structure of Public Debt
4.3 Burden of Public Debt
4.4 Principles of Debt Management
4.5 Redemption of Public Debt
5. Government Budgeting
5.1 Concept and History of Government Budgeting
5.2 Theories of Budgeting: Classical Concept of Budgeting; Modern Concept of
5.3 Program Budgeting
5.4 Process of Government Budgeting in Nepal
____The End____

5. PA.650 Administrative System in Nepal (Core 50/20)

1. Evolution of Administrative System in Nepal
1.1 Ancient Period- Ancient to 1769 (Kirat, Lichhav Period and Malla Period)
1.2 Post Unification Period- 1769-1951 (Shah and Rana Period)
1.3 Modern Period (Onward 1951)
2. Central Administration in Nepal
2.1 Constitutional Bodies
2.2 Central Line Ministries
2.3 Departments
2.4 Interrelationship with the above bodies
3. Administration at Sub-national level in Nepal
3.1 Administration at different tiers
3.2 Inter-relationship between them
4. Administrative Reforms Efforts in Nepal
5. Emerging Issues and Trends of Administrative System in Nepal
____The End____

6. PA.660 Public Enterprise Management (Analytical and Professional Core 50/20)

1. Concept and Roles of Public Enterprises
1.1 Overview of laissez-fare economy
1.2 State Participation in Business
1.3 Concept and Role of Public Enterprises (PEs)
2. Forms of Public Enterprises
2.1 PEs Classification
2.2 Forms of Organization: Public Corporation, State Company, Department,
                       Operating Contract
3. Autonomy, Accountability and Efficiency
3.1 Concept of Autonomy and Efficiency
3.2 Autonomy vs. Accountability
3.3 Accountability of PEs
3.4 Criteria and Approaches to efficiency measurement
3.5 Overall performance of PEs in Nepal
3.6 Organization and management problems of PEs in Nepal
4. Pricing, Profit, Policies and Governing Board
4.1 Concept of Pricing and profit
4.2 Factors affecting pricing and profit
4.3 Types of pricing system: Break-even, Marginal Cost, Import Parity, discriminating, and Cost-plus pricing
4.4 Governing Boards and their composition, types and size
5. Concept of Privatization
5.1 Concept of Privatization
5.2 Overview of Privatization process in Nepal
5.3 Issues and Challenges of Privatization in Nepal
5.4 Concept of Privatization and future of PEs in Nepal
____The End____

Development Management Area (DM)
DM 621 Planning and Project Management (80/32)
(Field Work should be done of 20/8)

1. Introduction
1.1 Meaning of Economic Development and Growth
1.2 Characteristics of Developing Countries
1.3 Concept and Need for development Planning
2. Socio-Cultural and Economic Conditions
2.1 Socio-Cultural Conditions:
a. Individual and Social Environment
b. Family Structure
c. Class Structure
d. Religious, Cultural. Racial and Ethnic Integration
2.2 Economic Conditions
a. Resource Mobilizatior
i. Importance of Financial Resources in Economic Development:
                   Internal and External
ii. Constraints in Financial Resource Mobilization
3. Plan Formulation Stages
3.1 The Macro Phase
3.2 The Meso (Sectoral Level)
3.3 The Micro Phase (Project Level)
4. Project Concept
4.1 Meaning and General Concept of Project Planning
4.2 The Role of National Planning in Project Formulation
4.3 Project Cycle                    
4.4 Project Proposal
4.5 Project Report
5. Project Analysis
5.1 Identifying Project Costs & Benefits
5.2 Analysis of Project on: Technical, Market, Financial, Economic/Social,
                       Institutional/Management and Environmental aspects
5.3 Comparison of Financial and Economic/Social Cost-benefit Analysis
5.4 Uncertainty, Risk and Sensitivity Analysis
6. Tools for Approving Projects
6.1 Calculating Profitability (Using Appraisal Criteria)
6.1.1 Discounting Techniques
6.1.2 Non-discounting Techniques
6.2 Project Cash Flows
6.3 Financial Ratios
6.4 Cost Recovery
6.5 Social Analysis (SIA)
6.6 Environmental Impact Analysis (ETA)
7. Project Implementation
7.1 Understanding Project Management and its Functions
7.2 Organization Structure
7.3 Organizing and Staffing the Project Office and team
7.4 Project Management Information Systems and Information, Communication
7.5 Network Analysis: PERT/CPM
7.6 Project Control by: Financial Statement, Budgeting, Accounting & Inventory
8. Project Monitoring & Evaluation (ME)
8.1 Concept of Project Monitoring & Evaluation
8.2 M/E System adopted by NPC/Government of Nepal
8.3 Project Evaluation Method
____The End____

DM 622 Study on Human Development (80/32)
(Field Work should be done of 20/8)

1. Human Development
1.1 Introduction of Human Development
1.2 The Human Development Paradigm and its implication
1.3 Millennium Development Goal (MDG)
1.4 Measurements of Human Development (The Human Development Index,
                       Gender Development Index, Human Poverty Index)
1.5 Role of UN Agency in Human Development
1.6 Human Development in Nepal
1.7 Status of Millennium Development  Goal in Nepal
2. Inclusive Human Development
2.1 Causes of Disparity
2.2 Inclusive and Exclusive
2.3 Inclusive Human Development in Nepal
3. Gender and Development
3.1 Concept of Sex and Gender
3.2 WID, WAD & GAD
3.3 Gender equity and equality
3.4 Women Development progress in Nepal
3.5 Emerging issues in gender inequalities
3.6 Efforts of government to empower women in Nepal
4. Economic Policies, Poverty and Human Development
4.1 Poverty situation in Nepal
4.2 Poverty and Human Development in Nepal
4.3 Economic Policies and Poverty Situation in Nepal
4.4 Livelihood and Special Security in Nepal
5. Basic Service Delivery and Human Development
5.1 Concept of Basic Service Delivery (Health, Education, Sanitation, Drinking
                       Water, Housing and etc)
5.2 Determinants of Basic Service Delivery
5.3 Basic Service Delivery Situation in Nepal
5.4 Policies for BSD in Nepal
6. Population and Human Development
6.1 Composition and status of population by caste, ethnicity and gender
6.2 Population policies and priorities
6.3 Migration (causes, Patterns and consequences)
7. Good Governance and Human Development
7.1 Good Governance
7.2 State, Government and Civil Society
7.3 Institutional framework for good governance
7.4 State of governance in Nepal
7.5 Policy implications of good governance for human development in Nepal
8. Empowerment and Human development
8.1 Concept of Empowerment
8.2 Dimensions of Empowerment
8.3 Empowerment for human development
9. Preparation of Human Development Report
========THE END=======